Bio-Conscious Announces Breakthrough in Forecasting Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Events Using Machine Learning (ML) Techniques and CGM data.
Aug 14, 2023
Bio Conscious Technologies Inc. ("Bio Conscious Technologies" or the "Company"), a leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovator in healthcare/diabetes technology, has announced a breakthrough in forecasting high-risk diabetic events using CGM data and advanced Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The company's latest achievement includes the publication of results for its nocturnal hypoglycemia detection model, showcasing its ability to detect these events up to 8 hours before they occur.Bio Conscious Technologies is excited to highlight its recent success in using the publicly available Ohio T1DM dataset, providing a benchmark for other companies to assess their capabilities.
This latest accomplishment builds upon Bio Conscious Technologies' reputation for pioneering healthcare technology solutions. With its innovative use of machine learning algorithms, the company has proven its capacity to forecast high-risk medical events, including nocturnal hypoglycemia. By detecting these events well in advance, medical professionals, and patients can take proactive measures to prevent potentially life-threatening complications.
Amir Hayeri, CEO of Bio Conscious Technologies, shared his insights on this breakthrough: "We are pleased to announce the progress we've made in the field of healthcare technology. Our nocturnal hypoglycemia detection model sets a new standard, detecting events up to 8 hours before they occur. By releasing our results on the Ohio T1DM dataset, we're inviting other companies to participate in this journey and aim for similar levels of accuracy and event horizon."
The latest development is particularly promising for younger people with diabetes, who are susceptible to nocturnal hypoglycemia events. With Bio Conscious Technologies' advanced preventive technology, patients and medical professionals alike can gain invaluable insights and tools to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The Company's commitment to collaboration and innovation is further underscored by our decision to share their results openly. By publishing these breakthroughs and utilizing a standard dataset, Bio Conscious Technologies invites other companies to assess their internal testing and strive to match or exceed their event horizon and accuracy.
As Bio Conscious Technologies continues to push the boundaries of healthcare technology, our dedication to enhancing patient care remains at the forefront of our mission. This breakthrough has been achieved through Bio Conscious Technologies' innovative use of ML algorithms, which anticipate high-risk diabetic events with higher accuracy based on CGM data. We believe this breakthrough represents a significant advancement in the field of Diabetes technology and has the potential to revolutionize the way medical professionals monitor and treat patients with Diabetes.
"This breakthrough is consistent with our vision to do more with CGM data. Specifically, we can use CGM data to forecast adverse glucose excursions with a much longer horizon (hours vs. minutes) and higher accuracy when compared to metabolic models that are currently available. This is just the beginning," said Amir Hayeri, CEO of Bio Conscious Technologies. "Bio Conscious Technologies is proud to announce this groundbreaking achievement. Our AI breakthrough can potentially transform every aspect of the battle against diabetes through early detection and classification of Dysglycemia using CGMs.
Bio Conscious Technologies will publish more details about these models soon and welcomes hearing from parties interested in our technology. By making these models available on Amazon AWS, to third-party users, scientific organizations, and app developers, Bio Conscious is creating a new era of healthcare collaboration and innovation.
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